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Let's Talk Mental

Welcome to my personal, passion filled blog where I discuss breaking barriers, body positivity, normalizing mental health, menstruation, and more. I have a lot to say and I don't plan on doing so quietly. It's time for some straight talk.

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Hey Ladies!

Hey ladies! Let 'em know it aint' easy. R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Stuck in your head now, huh? I hope so because I have ten things all ladies should...

The Scary Truth to Body Shaming

Hey guys, it's been a minute. (Real quick- why do people use that statement when it's actually been quite a while?) Let me know. Anyways,...

World Suicide Prevention Day-how to help a loved one

September is Suicide Awareness month and like many other mental health related month, more and more people are sharing their very own...

Understanding Sensory Overload

Some people struggle with what I call Sensory Overload. This essentially means receiving more input from our five senses that our brain...

Why Are We Afraid to Speak of Mental Health?

Why are we still afraid to speak of mental health? First of all: What exactly is mental health? Let's dive in. Mental health and Mental...

Five Things Not To Say To Someone With Anxiety

Hey guys, it’s Sarah and it’s time for some straight talk. Anxiety is the most common disorder that Americans live with. How common...

Poem Entry

*Trigger Warning* - this poem includes sexual assault. I’m fully convinced most men don’t know the meaning behind the word ‘no’ They hear...

Period Talk.

Aunt Flow, Shark Week, Girl Flu… whatever you call her, Menstruation is one of the most natural, inevitable, and painful functions in the...

Five Ways to Practice Self Care

Hey guys, it’s Sarah. Today I took a poll on Instagram. Next Blog Entry- Shall I discuss periods (normalizing menstruation and educating...

what is PMDD?

Hey guys. This past week has left me feeling exhausted. So I figured I'd share what I find to be one of my biggest personal struggles....

Do Men Hide Emotion?

Hey guys, it’s Sarah. The past week or so, I couldn’t help but notice a pattern (a patten that I once never gave much thought to,...

Let's Talk Mental

Hey guys, it's Sarah. This month is Mental Health Awareness Month and I'm here to remind you. It's time for some straight talk. In case...


Hey guys, I'm Sarah. I created this blog because despite my fluency in silence, I typically have a lot to say when it comes to certain...

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