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Five Ways to Practice Self Care

Writer's picture: straighttalkstraighttalk

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

Hey guys, it’s Sarah. Today I took a poll on Instagram. Next Blog Entry- Shall I discuss periods (normalizing menstruation and educating guys who think we can choose which week we want to bleed) or post some self-care tips, because honestly, we could all use some! I was curious what subject captivated my followers more. It looks like period talk will have to wait until next week. Wait, I think I actually start my period next week. Stay tuned.

So, for most of us, it’s unfortunately easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. There’s an abundance of things happening around us including socializing, which is personally mentally and physically exhausting.

It’s honestly crucial that we figuratively take a step back and check ourselves before we wreck ourselves. This is where self care comes into play.

But, before you ask ‘Is it really *that* important?’ (and yes, Karen it is)

I want you to think about this: Do you treat your best friend like she’s a rockstar? Do you look out for her and make sure she’s doing what’s best for her well-being? If you answered yes, what makes you think you should treat yourself any different? Everyone deserves self respect and self care. Let’s dive in. Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. While it is a simple concept, in theory, it’s quite often overlooked. So, here’s my personal favorite five ways you can practice self care.

1.) Take a Nap.

Remember that thing you hated as a kid, but now adore as an adult? Napping. Studies show naps can improve our ability to focus, but more impressively, can decrease stress, which ultimately lowers your chance of heart disease. Who knew my favorite activity had such benefits? Don’t forget to flip your pillow for the cold side. 2.) Write down three things everyday that didn’t completely suck.

At the end of the day, most of us find ourselves grateful for access to food, clean water, and having shelter. Challenge yourself to reflect on the good parts of your day. Whether you found out your favorite band is touring or you aced that test you’ve been stressing over. If it makes you smile, write that shit down.

3.) Learn how to say no.

Look, I get it. You feel obligated to say yes when someone asks for your time and energy. (I don’t get it, actually. I’m just trying to sound relatable, you feel me?) You told Erica that you’d be at her party, no matter what. You already promised Pete you would be his plus one at that stupid school dance. Now, the Cooper twins are begging you to join their birthday party committee. You can’t just shut them down after you made plans with almost every one else. That would be rude! Or would it? It’s great to want to support your pals, but if its leaving you drained and anxious, saying yes to everyone can lead to burnout. Practice empowerment little by little with knowing when is too much. 4.) Let your Pet Help You. What’s better than puppy cuddles and kitten kisses? It’s no doubt that pets bring a bundle of happiness to our lives. I mean, from their point of view, when we walk in the door, they see us (seven chins and all) and their body instantly goes into OMG MOM IS HOME mode. For me, that’s just something I never take for granted. Dogs are obviously beneficial to our health, as well. Reducing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure, and even detecting a seizure before it begins. They truly are man’s (and Woman's) best friend.

5.) Take a Warm Bubble Bath.

This one may seem super obvious because of how many posts you see on Instagram, but maybe that’s because of the simple fact that baths are beneficial. Get this: studies show taking a bath is a natural way to prompt sleep, reduce cold and flu symptoms, improve your overall mood, and relieve muscle pains.

Oh, and that wine you’re holding while you bathe? It can help protect against dental disease and is also full of antioxidants. Well, there you have it. My five favorite practices of self care. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have dogs to hug, ‘no’ texts to send out, and a nap to take. But before I do that, I may just write down a few things I’m grateful for while I choose which essential oils I’ll be using in my bath tonight.

What acts of self care have you found helpful? Comment below!






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